We are proud to announce we have been selected to take part in the World Education Week amongst 100 other schools who will gather online from 5th-9th October to share their expertise and best practices. Each school will host a one hour online event focusing on a key educational topic. Our school will feature on Thursday 8 October at 5pm showcasing how to achieve excellence in a multicultural community through an inclusive curriculum and school culture.
The events are free and you can register here. Remember to book a place and spread the word on Twitter: @alpertoncs @T4EduC @EfL_Insights #WorldEducationWeek
World Education Week is the world’s biggest education conference and its aim is to support an inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all.
The schools participating in the event were chosen from every continent and from kindergartens to secondary level and have centred on the theme of ‘Learning Today’. The featured topics will cover a range of educational themes, such as enhancing employability and life-skills; deepening family and community engagement; the use of technology; a focus on wellbeing; and promoting the science of learning and teaching.
The event is led by Vikas Pota, a globally-respected leader and driving force in the education, international development, philanthropy and technology sectors.
The conference has won the backing of Andreas Schleicher, the Director for Education & Skills at the OECD, Jaime Saavedra, the Global Director for Education at the World Bank, and David Edwards, General Secretary of Education International.
For more information about the event, please visit the World Education Week website.