On Friday 24th November the geography sixth form students visited the Emmanuel Centre to attend the annual Hazards Conference. Various presenters from different universities and exam boards, including Dr. Martin Degg from the University of Chester and experienced AQA examiner David Redfern, presented a lecture regarding a special topic related to hazard specification, which will enhance the students’ knowledge about the topic.
“Listening to the speakers greatly informed me of the dangers of hazards and how important it is to be prepared for a hazardous event. Dr. Martin Degg’s presentation was particularly interesting as he spoke about the hazardous events currently happening in Turkey. This was extremely useful for us as we can use these case studies to enhance our exam questions. In addition to this, author David Redfern’s presentation on synoptic and the earthquakes in Afghanistan and Nepal was extremely informative and will definitely come in handy for our exams.” (Sixth Form student)
“I really enjoyed the entire conference and learning about the latest earthquakes and active volcanoes around the world allowed me to find out more about the topics. Additionally, seeing David Redfern, who wrote our geography textbook, really fascinated me. I enjoyed his talk about the different key terms he introduced and the concept of synopticity, and his idea that a geographer should always connect different topics, resulting in a better understanding.” (Sixth Form student)
Hope we can make it next year as well!
6th Form Geography Team and Mr Toth