Last week, a group of Year 8 and 9 enthusiastic students and staff embarked on an unforgettable adventure to The Bushcraft Company in Kent. This two-day excursion offered an amazing opportunity for our students to immerse themselves in nature, build survival skills and strengthen friendships. The trip aimed to encourage personal growth, resilience, teamwork and a deeper connection with the great outdoors. The exemplary behaviour of the students really stood out, demonstrating the 4Rs at all times and contributing greatly to the success of the trip and ensuring a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone.

Day 1: Setting Up Camp & Team Building The journey to The Bushcraft Company began with a lot of excitement buzzing throughout the coach and then the minibus. Upon arrival, students were warmly greeted by the experienced Bushcraft staff, who introduced them to the campsite, set in a beautiful forest with towering trees and fresh air all around.

The first team activity was to cook lunch on an open campfire. The students took it in turns to cook Beyond Meat burgers, cooperating with each other to make the experience shared and safe. Students who were feeling a little shy were encouraged by the others to step forward and join in the cooking, making it a real team bonding experience. The students were very impressed with the outcome and enjoyed a lovely lunch of burgers and sweetcorn.

After settling in, they took part in some ice-breaking and team-building activities, where the students’ positive attitude truly shone. They participated in a series of group games designed to build trust and cooperation. These activities encouraged them to step out of their comfort zone and support each other, setting a positive tone for the rest of the trip. The students then had hands-on experiences in various survival activities, including searching for wood for the fire, bracelet making and learning how to use a knife to make tent pegs. Afterwards, they helped prepare a communal campfire meal, gaining an appreciation for outdoor cooking.

The day ended with stories around the campfire, as everyone gathered to share their experiences, roast marshmallows, and reflect on the day’s adventures under a star-filled sky.  The camaraderie was truly evident, with students supporting one another, sharing laughter and creating a warm, inclusive atmosphere.

The fun carried on into the night, far longer than Miss Ernestine would have liked, as the groups chatted quietly with the odd burst of laughter here and there. It was lovely to hear everyone getting on and making memories they will never forget.

Day 2: Survival Challenge & Departure The final day was dedicated to putting their newly acquired skills to the test. The students were divided into small groups and given a “Survival Challenge,” which required them to find and then construct a shelter which the students then had to ‘sell’ to the staff as to which camp was the best. The second activity of the day involved camouflage! The students painted their faces as they took to the woods to play a game where they had to avoid getting caught by camouflaging themselves behind the trees.

As the camp was packed up, the students made sure all the litter was collected, and every task was completed with enthusiasm. Their respect for the camp and its environment was commended by the Bushcraft instructors.

The trip to the Bushcraft Company in Kent was not only an exciting learning opportunity but also a shining example of the students’ behaviour. Their excellent conduct greatly contributed to the success of the trip. The students were an absolute credit to Alperton Community School and the instructors praised their manners, enthusiasm and willingness to learn. The maturity shown by the students made it a rewarding experience that will be remembered for years to come.