Many thanks to all teachers and staff for the commitment, resilience and hard work in planning and delivering a fantastic week of activities last week. All students showed a lot of enthusiasm and it was nice to see how engaged they were in learning new skills.

Image of soapbox student workOn Monday students were involved in department-led Character Education events. Year 7 engaged in a creative Paper Lantern workshop, our Y8’s took part in an informative FGM presentation by ARC and Y9 students explored the concept of Pressure and Hydraulics through the assembly of a model excavator. Ā 

On Tuesday and Wednesday, students enjoyed two packed days of competitiveness, team work & encouragement during our Sports Days. Everyone performed brilliantly and it was great to see both staff and students having so much fun. On Tuesday we also organised an inspirationalĀ Careers Day for our Year 9 students, giving them the opportunity to expand on their problem solving, communication and enterprise skills.

On Wednesday our Year 7 participated in the ā€˜Soap Box Challengeā€™, a fun and creative workshop that engaged students in designing, manufacturing and marketing a soap product, whilstĀ  learning about teamwork, creativity, enterprise and business skills. Their final prototypes were amazing!

On Wednesday our year 10 students took part in the Stock Market Challenge, resulting in Team 36 earning Ā£63, 100 on the stock market. Starting with Ā£1500 they bought and sold stock over a 5 day period and did amazingly well.

On Thursday our Y8’s enjoyed a fantastic Army Day with Army In London. Students were working in teams and engaging in lots of interactive activities whilst exercising their problem solving and organisational skills.

During the week our sixth formers worked on their personal development skills, began preparing their UCAS applications and enjoyed a fun and adventurous trip to Thorpe Park.

Many thanks to all staff, particularly to Ms Edwards and Ms Hirani for organising such a successful and inspiring week.