Congratulations to all our students on an excellent set of GCSE and A Level results. In spite of the coronavirus pandemic and examination chaos, our students have demonstrated incredible resilience and determination to succeed and achieve the results they deserve.

At GCSE, the results for the most able students were exceptional with just under 25% of students achieving the top grades (9-7) in English and maths.Ā  There were over 100 grades at 9-7 in the sciences ā€“ biology, chemistry and physics. In total, ACS students achieved 422 grades at 9-7.

With 93 GCSE Grade 9 results, the progress students have made from their primary school is excellent.Ā  In the last few years, the school has achieved a considerable increase in the percentage of students achieving grade 4 and above equivalent in English and maths. This year, over 80% students made better than expected progress in English and maths.

We are also pleased to say that the vast majority of our A Level and Level 3 students have been able to progress to their chosen destinations. This is a reflection of all their hard work over the last two years of their courses.

Our students have been accepted onto courses at Oxbridge, Russell Group and other leading universities. They are now leaving Alperton Community School to read a wide range of subjects including medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, economics, finance, law, computing, psychology and media. We are proud that we are able to offer a wide choice at A level and Level 3 and the success of our students in all subjects is testament to our belief that students should be given choice and opportunity.

Gerard McKenna, Headteacher, said ā€œour students are amazing! Our community has a wonderful belief and spirit which means that we all work together and support each other to achieve the very best we can. We have established a strong track record of enabling every student to reach their full academic and personal potential.Ā  I am sure that our results will continue to improve again next year now that our new school building is fully operational, providing our students with the very best possible facilities and resourcesā€.