On Friday 7 February, a group of KS4 students attended an exclusive private screening of the national award-winning movie ‘Hellaro’ as part of their GCSE Gujarati studies. The movie, a true story about female empowerment, courage and freedom, addressed many issues that are also faced by our students. For some of them, this was their first trip ever to the cinema and they were really inspired by the main characters.
The feedback received from students was great – please see some of their comments below:
āFor me, I think it was the best experience ever – I have never been to the cinema so it was my first time and I really enjoyed watching such a true sad movie like this.ā (Pratiksha)
āI really did enjoy the film, not only was it a great experience as the first Gujarati trip, but it was also a great lesson on the cultural events taking place in Gujarat. Thank you so much for taking us all on the trip; it was amazing!ā (Sohan)
“Having studied Gujarati at GCSE and A-level, this film provided great insight into many different themes – the main being Gender Inequality. This is a major issue that is not just common in India, but around the world. Therefore, watching such a film provided students with an in depth knowledge of gender stereotypes and how this affects society as a whole. It was an enriching experience that would never have been possible without Mrs Kamdar, thank you for all your hard work to put this all together.” (Umesh)
Many thanks to all members of staff who organised and supported the event: Ms Kamdar, Mr Delzetglou, Ms Shah, Ms Patel, Mr Ravani and MS Hirani, and also to our sixth from students Umesh (Year 13), Dharmic (Year 13) and Kinjal (Year 12) who all studied GCSE Gujarati previously and volunteered their time and enthusiasm to join us for the evening.