On Wednesday 18 October, 26 of our A Level Physics and Chemistry students, accompaniedScience trip to the QMUL by Dr Mahmoud and Ms Saini, travelled to Queen Mary University of London for a day packed with exciting workshops and activities.

The event was organised by Dr Mahmoud over the summer holiday and it included workshops by Dr Chianello (Chemistry and Physics) and Dr Hunt (Physics) deliveredĀ  specifically for our students.

The university visit lasted for over 5 hours and included a spectroscopy workshop, a tour of the Physics Research Laboratory, a tour of the Chemistry Research Laboratory and also a tour of the Computational Laboratory, where our teacher Dr Mahmoud completed his Masters and PhD degree.

The first 90 minutes were dedicate to the masterclass talk on spectroscopy, which included a Mentimeter interactive activity where students used their electronic devices to vote.

Science trip to the QMULThis was followed by a 30-minute tour of the Physics facility. Students were able to observe images generated by the observatory at QMUL. They also took a tour of the Physics Research Lab where the undergraduate, masters and PhD students work. They were also able to get a breakdown of what practical work means for physics students in their first year.

This was followed by a 30-minute tour of the Chemistry facility. The students visited the Research Laboratory including the Infrared and Nuclear magnetic resonance machine. Then they took a 5-10 minute tour of the Computational Lab where Dr Mahmoud delivered a very inspirational talk. After lunch, they took a short walk on the canal side and a tour of the university.

The feedback received from the students was fantastic. They were really inspired by the trip and found the experience informative, motivational and exciting, and over 80% of the students said they areĀ  more likely to study a STEM degree in the future.

Many thanks to Dr Mahmoud for organising the event and creating this unique experience for our students.