It is essential that you arrive to school every day in the correct school uniform and with the correct PE Kit. Please note that students may be sent home if they are inappropriately dressed and a text or phone call will be made to the parent/carers.

Please note: Students are not allowed to wear makeup or jewelry, e.g. rings, bracelets (except sleepers and small stud earrings), and hair colour must be natural. Hoodies and trainers are also not permitted.

Year 7-11 uniform

  • Black blazer with Alperton logo;
  • White school shirt (no polo shirts);
  • Grey jumper with school logo;
  • Grey tailored trousers (boys and girls) or grey skirt ankle length (no longer);
  • Black leather polish-able shoes (No trainers e.g. Nike, Vans etc);
  • Hijab (Grey, Black, White);
  • School bag for Years 7 to 10 students;
  • School Tie for Academic Year 2024-25
    Year 7 Purple, Year 8 Yellow, Year 9 Green, Year 10 Blue, Year 11 Red

6th form Uniform

  • Smart business dress including appropriate length skirts and tailored trousers
  • Plain black shoes
  • No blue jeans, trainers, hoodies or hats

Students will be expected to wear school-issued items if they have the incorrect uniform.  A head teacher, or a person authorised by the head teacher, may ask a pupil to go home briefly to remedy a breach of the school’s rules on appearance or uniform. (DFE)



  • Green polo shirt with the school logo
  • Black jogging bottoms or plain black sports leggings with the school logo
  • Black or white sports socks
  • White trainers with non-marking sole. No other trainers are allowed


  • Woollen black hat with the school logo
  • Green hooded top with the school logo
  • Grey school jumper

Students will NOT be able to use the facilities if they do not have the appropriate footwear. They will be expected to participate barefoot.