It is very important that all our students benefit from 190 days of learning to ensure they make progress and achieve the results they should. It is also very important that your child is punctual and arrives at school on time. Time keeping is important and will be monitored by the Attendance Officer. When your child is late to school they will receive a lunchtime detention on the day.

How to report an absence

To report an absence, you MUST:

1. Inform the school via telephone/email/text before 9am with a valid reason.

Telephone: 020 8902 2038 (select option 4)
Email: [email protected]

2. Provide a written note and hand to the Attendance Officer.

Authorised and Unauthorised absence

Authorised Absence is an absence that has been agreed by the school in advance, or justified after, for a pupil of compulsory school age.

Unauthorised Absence is an absence for which the school has not been provided with a reason, or for which the reason provided is unsatisfactory.

Reasons an absence may be authorised:

The Department of Education has stated that the school may authorise an absence for one of the following reasons:

  • If a child has a medical appointment or legitimate meeting
  • Too unwell to come to school
  • Undertake a religious observance
  • Close family bereavement

What Parents can do to help children achieve high levels of attendance:

The Department of Education have put together the short guide below to help parents understand how they can work with the school and local authority to support their children to attend school and get the right support.

There are a number of things parents can do to help children achieve high levels of attendance:

  • Ensure your child goes to bed early and wakes up on time ready to learn
  • Encourage your child to pack everything the night before
  • Remind your child about the importance of attending school
  • Arrange appointments (medical, hospital, dentist, GP) out of school hours, when possible

Attendance Ladder

PLEASE NOTEIf your child is persistently absent there will be involvement from the Education Welfare Service with the possibility of a fine up to £1,000.

Leave of absence requests

For any Leave of Absence requests you must contact our school office.