We aim to provide an exciting, stimulating curriculum from which students can gain pleasure in learning and develop interests and attitudes which will continue throughout life.

Our curriculum promotes British Values and recognises the importance of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance. We build on the work of primary schools so there is no break in education for our new Year 7 students who follow a broad, balanced curriculum which puts them on the pathway to succeed at GCSE.

Alperton Community School Curriculum Policy
PDF File

If you would like to find out more information about our curriculum, please email [email protected].

Welcome from our Curriculum Leaders

Our curriculum is structurally differentiated to meet individual needs.  In Year 9 students choose options in design technology. The curriculum offers further option choices including courses at GCSE level in Business, Computing, Media, Sociology and Health & Social Care.  A wide range of academic and applied A-level subjects, Level 2 Diplomas and Foundation Studies are offered in the Sixth Form.

We also offer a very wide array of extra-curricular activities from homework clubs, to boxing and Bollywood dance. Alperton has been awarded the ‘Sportsmark’ for excellence in PE curriculum provision and we have a long history of participating in national sport and art competitions with notable successes.

ACS Music Development Plan
PDF File

For a detailed description of our curriculum, please click on the links below:

Attitude to Learning

In order to achieve the best outcomes possible we expect students’ attitude to learning to demonstrate the characteristics of highly motivated and engaged learners. Attitude to Learning in each subject is reported to parents once per term. The descriptors are highly motivated, engaged, passive and disengaged. A full description of each of these is given below.

  1. Alperton Community School Attitude to Learning
    PDF File

Subject Specific Essential Vocabulary

Subject Name Subject name
English MFL – French
Geography MFL – Spanish
History MFL – Gujarati
Social Science