Twenty Alperton students take part in the Coach Bright Coaching programme

Twenty of our Year 10 students have been selected to take part in the transformational Coach Bright Coaching Programme to raise progress and attainment in the core subjects. The programme commenced on Wednesday 17 October and consists of a launch visit to Kings College and seven one hour coaching sessions every Wednesday after school. Twenty university students are conducting one-to-one coaching sessions with 20 of our Year 10 students to improve their skills in English, Maths or Science.

At the end of the workshops, there will be a Graduation visit to St Mary’s University to celebrate the completion of the programme. Most students are either Most Able or Disadvantaged or both. The onus is on our students to use the skills and expertise of university students to understand key concepts that they struggle with. The feedback from our students and the university students has been very positive. Looking forward to the graduation!